June 14/14: Three Riders; 67 Kms; 391 Metres; 2 Hrs 33

Okay, hello. I certainly misjudged the interest in riding this morning. It appears the RLCT has taken its toll. Cycling is on the back burner it appears. That and the fact that the 7.30 am starts are out-of-favour prompt me to begin a new practice (as of to-day) of confirming attendance by emailing arnpriorcycling@bell.net.

Once I have a commitment from five riders, I’ll confirm the ride is on as planned or is cancelled for lack of interest.

I feel at this stage if we can’t get five cyclists then what’s the point of organizing a ride. This will take some of the pressure off me to be there every weekend regardless of who else shows up. If anyone would like to take over the communication and organizing, etc, then that’s fine, too. Another point worth considering is whether we should ride one day of the weekend and not two. This might result in a more riders. Just a thought.

Well, a combination of a poor turnout, cool air, windy weather, black sky and a threat of rain gave rise to a change of route and distance this morning. As a trio, we opted to cut our losses and turn for home at Renfrew, after an unsatisfactory Cafe Americano. On a positive note, as we left the Bonnechere Cafe, we were greeted with a following wind to drive us homeward through the damp, cool air – proving once again that when on the bicycle things aren’t as bad as they first appear, though we did encounter rain on Hall Avenue; where we came upon Perry and the OBC (about twenty-five cyclists) on their way to Beachburg. We were tempted to join them but OBC does not allow non-members on their rides.

Regarding to-day’s heading, ”there is no barber in Fitzroy Harbour’‘, an elderly gentleman at his morning tea in the Cafe chanted this ditty and remembered the days of his youth. What memories for us is thirty years as we sup coffee? Now, that’s the question. You just should have been there.

Right oh, here is the tentative plan for Sunday (subject to enough interest):

Venue: Stinsons on White Lake Rd at 8 am 8 am

Route: Kanata via Conc 10, Pakenham, Blakeney, Panmure Rd, Dwyer Hill, Vaughn Sd Rd, Carp. etc; home via Craig Side Rd, Diamondview, Kinburn, Logger’s Way, etc.

Distance: 100 Kms+, I think

Pace: Steady as she goes (”7′)’

Weather: Better than to-day with north winds

This Sunday you have a choice. You can join us at 8 am or Ride with Gregg at 9 am from Stinsons. But, please contact Gregg at gwsheehy@magma.ca to confirm details. Route and distance unknown at this writing.

Bye bye, ac. Comments welcome at arnpriorcycling@bell.net; http://www.twitter.com/ArnpriorCycling

Lochwinnow Tandem

Lochwinnow Lonely Tandem